One can define MeD's Movie Manager first of all as a simple, plain and handy program that helps you to order the movies you have on your PC and add or edit movie information from different sources.
MeD's Movie Manager gives the opportunity, to create various database types. So you can work with HSQL database, MS Access database and My SQL database, choose what is more convenient to you. Now you can directly put your movies into the database. Do it using a DVD device, IMDb or getting from the file.
But a simple movie list will become a database if you add some information about your movies, for example genre, rating, plot, cover, date, country and so on. You can add it in several ways, manually, directly putting the info, or automatically, getting the info from IMDb or from media files like AVI, MPEG, OGM and DVD. If you are fond of series, you can also keep the track of events using tv.com.
The pleasant feature of the program is Report Generator that can offer you different types of movie list. You can generate it and print. It is worth to note that MeD's Movie Manager supports unlimited size of the movie list.
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